How will we distinguish and communicate our new behavioral expectations? This chart is used to help teams describe the future state by listing what they expect to hear and see “more of” and “less of” when as we return to the “new normal”. It is essential that the team describe the future state in specific behavioral terms.
It’s “x” length of time from now.
What do you . . . See? Hear? Feel?
This is an excellent way to help teams wrestle with the specifics of what the future state will be like in terms that can uncover both support and resistance. It asks people to describe the future as they expect to see it when the “new normal” is established, and to do so in specific behavioral terms. Often this will be the team's first confrontation with the realities of the new vision.
- Help Team members to individually imagine a time in the future when the “new normal is well underway.
- With this "picture" of the future in mind, help team members to describe what they see, hear or feel as they observe leaders and others (patients, team members, colleagues from other teams) behaving in the changed state. (For example, when stay at home order is lifted and more staff members are working from home or scattered across campus, what will managers be doing as they lead the efforts of the team? Or what will the work of our team look like if we have to move things online?)
Collate the various views of this future state from individual team members and discuss and debate similarities and differences. Once the team is in agreement, "test" this view of the future and brainstorm support resources or ways to address barriers.
OPTION: Some teams may wish to actively solicit ideas from customers as a way of building this picture rather than doing the work themselves and then sending the vision out for comment and critique.
NOTE: This activity has been modified to address the state of work when the stay at home order is lifted. However, you can utilize this activity to shape the vision for any future stated related to change.