Past Distinguished Diversity Leader Award Recipients
Congratulations to the 2023 Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award Recipients!
U-M faculty and staff celebrated the exceptional contributions of staff on Jan. 30 with presentations of the Distinguished Diversity Leaders Awards. The ceremony honored 10 staff members and five teams for their dedication to diversity. Read more in the University Record. Download a PDF of the award ceremony program.
Individual Awards
Brandon Bond
LSA Dean’s Office
Stephen W. Brabbs
Maintenance Services, Facilities & Operations
Patricia Brainard
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Alex Franklin
Department of Chemistry
Paula Hathaway
LSA Dean’s Office
Hilary Murmers
Center for Gender & Sexuality - U-M Flint
Mina Nourbakhsh
ACS Rehab Therapies & SLP - Michigan Medicine
Dr. Whitney Peoples
School of Public Health Dean’s Office
Ari Renda
School of Public Health Office for Student Engagement and Practice
Caitlin Taylor
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Team Awards
Inpatient Therapy (PT & OT) DEI Committee
LSA Transfer Team
Mechanical Engineering Shop Team
School of Information (UMSI) Religious Holiday Fact Sheet Team
CRLT’s DEI All-Staff Professional Development Team
A Decade of Celebrating Distinguished Diversity Leaders
The following video was produced for the 10th annual award ceremony. Titles for the staff and faculty featured in the video, reflect their roles in or around 2018.
Congratulations to 2018 Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award Recipients
Recipients of the 10th annual Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award for University of Michigan staff were celebrated Monday, December 10, 2018, at an afternoon ceremony at the Michigan League.
The 10 individual winners received $1,000 each. Five teams also received $2,500 each. The prizes are to be used toward professional development activities.
Highlights of the award presentation included the retrospective video consisting of interviews with key sponsors of the award, including Laurita Thomas, associate vice president for human resources.
Congratulations to 2015 Distinguished Diversity Leaders!
Individual Award Recipients
Laura Sánchez -Parkinson , Program Coordinator, NCID
Jane Berliss-Vincent, Assistive Technology Manager, ITS (learn more)
Catalina Ormsby, Associate Director, UROP
Amanda McLittle, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Housing
Elizabeth James, Program Associate, Afroamerican and African Studies
Paul Guttman, Director of Construction Services, Plant
Shelly Conner, Assistant Dean, Rackham Graduate School
Wendi Fornoff, Web Developer, ICPSR
Veronica Falandino, Asst. Dir. of Graduate Programs, School of Information
Marlanna Landeros, Program Manager, DPSS
DDLA individual awardees are: front, from left, Marlanna Landeros, Veronica Falandino, Jane Berliss-Vincent, Shelly Conner; and back, from left, Amanda McLittle, Wendi Fornoff, Catalina Ormsby, Laura Sánchez-Parkinson, Elizabeth James. Not pictured: Paul Guttman (Photo by Daryl Marshke, Michigan Photography)
Team Award Recipients
Front, from left: Laura Maihofer, Wendy Ascione-Juska, Cynthia Hudgins, Janet Malley
Back, from left: Benita Threadgill, Sara Bliss, Craig Smith, Shawn Beard, Susan Burk
Not pictured: Keith Herzog
Interpersonal Development Inventory Team, U-M Flint
Front, from left: Amged Eidelsafy, Nakshidil Sadien, Menusha Arumugam, Michael James
Back, from left: Helen Phinisee, Daniel Adams, Tess Barker
Not pictured: Susan Gano-Phillips, Scott Johnson, Rushika Patel, Richard Russell, Doron Pratt, Mary Jo Sekelsky, Donna Fry
Office of Student Services Team, School of Social Work
Front, from left: Erin Zimmer, Michelle Woods, Betsy Williams, Lauren Davis
Back, from left: Mary Whitaker, Tim Colenback, Michael McDermott, Micheal Leier, Nyshourn Price, Clarita Mays|
Not Pictured: Michelle Gorton
Interpreter Services Team, UMHS
Front, from left: Rita Galin, Courtney Vanderlaan, Jane Miller, Alfreda Rooks
Back - left to right: Christa Moran, Michelle Harris, Lindsay McCarthy, Brittany Karnes
Not pictured: Leslie Perez, Angelica Snyder, Oliver Gatonez, Jamie Fidler, Ximena Erickson, Chi-Wei Chang
The Student Leadership and Empowerment Committee, LSA
Front, from left: Tina Kokoris, Kelley Emerson, Desiraé Simmons
Back, from left: Kyle Walton, Devon Degraffenreed, Angie Shewa
Not Pictured: Henry Dyson, robbie routenberg, Ashley Wiseman, Shamaila Ashraf, Hind Omar
Back row, from left: Jack Bernard, Office of the General Counsel; Rev. Jamie Hawley, UMHS Spiritual Care Department; Craig Luck, Hospital Operations; Joseph Foster, UHR Childrens Center; Esrold Nurse, LSA Student Academic Affairs. Front row, from left: Darlene Nichols, Library Research; Mary Diskin, Plant Operations; Diane Hall, ITS Infrastructure Services Operations; Linh Nguyen, Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs - Student Life; Pardip Bolina, Center for Global and Intercultural Study. (Photos by Daryl Marshke, Michigan Photography)
The individual DDLA recipients are:
Jack Bernard, Office of the General Counsel
Pardip Bolina, Center for Global and Intercultural Study
Mary Diskin, Plant Operations
Joseph Foster, UHR Childrens Center
Diane Hall, ITS Infrastructure Services and Operations
Rev. Jamie Hawley, UMHS Spiritual Care Department
Craig Luck, Hospital Operations
Linh Nguyen, Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs - Student Life
Darlene Nichols, Library Research
Esrold Nurse, LSandA Student Academic Affairs
The team recipients are:
CRLT Players Theatre Program Team
Global Communications Team at Michigan News
School of Public Health Office of Academic Affairs Team
UM Flint Initiatives in Nursing Diversity Staff Team
From left are Gerald Hoff, Leon Howard, Sharon Lobdell, Elizabeth Studley, Armando Matiz Reyes, Tom Sullivan, Cora Edwards, Jason Davis, Chanel DeGuzman and Lynette Wright. Recipient Henry Meares is not pictured. (Photo by Scott Soderberg, Michigan Photography)
Jason Davis, ECE alumni relations coordinator, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chanel DeGuzman, program manager, Student Counseling and Programming — School of Public Health
Cora Edwards, clinical research coordinator, Radiation Oncology
Gerald Hoff, senior billing representative, U-M Health System Registration and Insurance Verification
Leon Howard, residence hall director, University Housing
Sharon Lobdell, student adviser/tutoring coordinator, UM-Dearborn Academic Support and Outreach Services
Armando Matiz Reyes, research area specialist, Health Behavior and Health Education Department
Henry Meares, assistant dean, School of Education
Elizabeth Studley, nurse anesthetist, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
Tom Sullivan, training specialist lead, Facilities Maintenance
Lynette Wright, associate director of material and moving services, Plant Operations
2013 Team Recipients
U-M Detroit Center staff
Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery Diversity Committee
Social and Behavioral Issues in Medicine course team
Understanding Race theme semester co-chairs
Graduate Student Success Team – Rackham
2012 Recipients
2012 Individual Recipients
Christine Gregory
Jeffery Harrold
Joshua Peipock
Gloria Thomas
Trey Williams
Zachary Tomlinson
Marie Ting
Trey Boynton
Charmica Abinojar
Mike Nazareth
Team Recipients
Harmony Diversity Committee – Transplant Center
Resource Center for Minority Data – Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR)
Multicultural Affairs Committee – Dental School
Detroit Community Academic Urban Research Center
2010 Recipients
2010 Individual Recipients
Barb Bernard Butler
Toby Citrin
Shá Duncan Smith
Carrie Landrum
Anna Schnitzer
Robert Scott
Robbie Townsel-Ransom
Jen Wegner
2010 Team Recipients
Summer Enrichment Program Team
Applied Physics Team
Growing Allies Team
Developing Cultural Competencies for Nurses Project Team
Counseling and Psychological Services Team
Library Diversity Committee
2009 Recipients
2009 Individual Recipients
Delphine Byrd
Patricia Coleman-Burns
Tendaji Ganges
Robert Koonce
Inel Lewis
Tiffany Porties
Greg Snyder
Mary Stewart
Debbie Taylor
2009 Team Recipients
Michigan Community Scholars Staff
Business and Finance Diversity Committee
UM Dearborn Early Childhood Education Center
Division of General Pediatrics/Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit
Cancer Center Community Outreach Program
2008 Recipients
2008 Individual Awardees Recipients
Charles Ransom
Cinda-Sue Davis
George Myers III
Jackie Simpson
Kate Van Valkenburgh
Evans Young
Pam Fowler
Dorothy McLeer
Megan Piersma
Marlys Deen
Derrick Scott (honorable mention)
Andrace Deyampert (honorable mention)
2008 Team Awardees Recipients
Women of Color Task Force
Health Occupations Partners in Education (HOPE)
Faculty and Staff of the Kresge Hearing Research Institute
Deborah Goldberg and the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Frontiers Masters Program Team
Division of Student Affairs - Workgroup for One Division
Office of Financial Aid - Outreach (honorable mention)