Take the Act Against Hunger Quiz

empty plate with someone holding a fork and knife

True or false? In the state of Michigan, one in seven people are facing hunger. 

To get the answer, take the Act Against Hunger Quiz. It’s only five questions and helps to raise awareness and dispel common misconceptions around food and nutrition insecurity. At the end, faculty and staff can enter a drawing for a chance to win a free produce or a free produce box. Employees at U-M Ann Arbor could win a produce box from Argus Farm Stop. UM-Flint and UM-Dearborn employees could win a $25 grocery gift card. The deadline to enter is September 30, 2024.

The quiz is one of several resources highlighted throughout September to recognize Hunger Action Month, a time when individuals and organizations come together to fight hunger and food insecurity. Food insecurity is a lack of consistent access to enough nutrient dense food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life. This can be a temporary situation for a family or can last a long time.

In addition, on the Ann Arbor campus and at Michigan Medicine, Maize and Blue Cupboard (MBC) donation bins are available in university units and departments across campus through Sept. 30. MBC helps to ensure that no one goes without at U-M by providing faculty, staff and students with nutritious food.

At UM-Dearborn, donations can be made to UM-Dearborn Student Food Pantry to assist students and employees. At UM-Flint, donations can be given to Wolverine Essentials to help students. 

A full list of resources are available on the MHealthy website to help you raise your awareness, learn how to help, and find resources if you need assistance. 

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