Senior Living Week Starts Saturday!

Senior Living Week is September 14-19, 2019. This annual event, sponsored by Michigan Medicine's Housing Bureau for Seniors, features an information expo and presentations. It helps connect those who provide services for seniors with those who need them. 

"I've attended many times in the past and found that the expo resource fair, workshops and open houses at Assisted Living facilities have been very informative and helpful in planning for a potential future need," says Barb Mulay, manager for the U-M Work-Life Resource Center. "If you or a loved one could use guidance on elder care options in the area, I recommend you attend. And be sure to register in advance for workshops."

The Housing Bureau for Seniors is under the umbrella of Michigan Medicine and also serves the community at large. The Michigan Medicine Housing Bureau for Seniors works throughout Washtenaw County to enable and assist older adults with seeking and maintaining appropriate and affordable living arrangements.    

Learn more about Eldercare Support Resources at U-M.

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