New Presentations and Groups to Lift Your Mind and Mood

Zoom meeting with friendly people on computer screen.

Are you looking for a little support to help kickstart the new academic year? Check out the new presentations and discussion and support groups offered by the Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO) this September and October. 

To attend any presentation or group, email [email protected] and list the session you would like to enroll in. Space is limited so early registration is encouraged. Be sure to indicate your preferred date.

Presentations for Campus Faculty and Staff

Michigan Medicine faculty and staff can request presentations from the Office of Counseling and Workplace Resilience.  

Introduction to Stress Management

Choose from 3 Dates:

  • Thursday, September 15 | Noon – 1:00 p.m. (presenter: Alex)
  • Tuesday, September 28 | 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (presenter: Andrew) 
  • Wednesday, October 12 | Noon – 1:00 p.m. (presenter: Alex)

This session provides an overview of stress management strategies, such as cognitive and behavioral approaches, mindfulness, exercise, guided imagery, muscle relaxation, deep breathing and social support seeking. The format will be informal and interactive. 

Presenters: Alex Jendrusina and Andrew Greifer

 NEW - Trauma 101

Choose from 2 Dates:

  • Monday 9/19 | 1:30 -2:30 p.m. or 
  • Tuesday 10/18 | 10:00am-11:00am

The word "trauma" has become a staple in our vocabulary over the past few years, but many remain unsure about the different types of trauma and how they can impact our lives both short and long term. In this presentation, you'll learn the basics of what trauma is, common trauma symptoms, trauma responses, and how to start healing from it.

Presenter: Jill Castro

Selecting a Counselor/Therapist & Identifying Community Resources (Mini-Session)

  • Thursday September 29, 2022 | Noon - 12:30 p.m.

This session will provide descriptions of the types of mental (behavioral) health providers, an understanding of their listed credentials and suggestions in how to select one. An overview of the styles and approaches that therapists use in providing services (resolution-focused, family systems, and analytical). Also, some sample questions to ask when choosing one will be offered. In addition, a brief overview of how to identify and locate support groups will be provided. 

Presenter: Tom Waldecker

Overview of Anxiety Disorders & Other Mental Health Conditions

  • Tuesday, October 4 | Noon - 1:00 p.m.

This session will present an overview of Anxiety Disorders and a summary of major mental health conditions along with commonly used intervention strategies.

Presenter: Tom Waldecker

 NEW - Mental Health Hygiene 101

  • Wednesday, October 5 | Noon – 1:00 p.m. 

Healthy eating and regular exercise promote good physical health, but what do we know about practices to promote good mental health? Come attend an informal, one-hour presentation to learn just that. In our time together, you’ll hear recommendations and tips that support your overall emotional well-being.

Presenter: Alex Jendrusina

Discussion and Support Groups 

 NEW - Discussion Group on Forgiveness

It is said that "Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself".....Do you find yourself struggling with hanging on to regrets or past issues that negatively impact you?  If so, a look into the power of forgiveness may be helpful in dealing with these concerns. This is an interactive session with attendees participating.

Wednesday, October, 26 | Noon – 1:00 p.m.  

Presenters: Joanne Bernard and Janell Kilgore

 Support group for New Moms

The Faculty & Staff Counseling & Consultation Office (FASCCO) is offering an ongoing drop-in style support group for women returning to work following the birth and/or adoption of a child. The group is designed for women in their third trimester of pregnancy through the time their child is two years old.

The group will address various topics, including preparing for maternity leave, work/life balance, separation anxiety, familial adjustments, lactation support, baby blues, sleep hygiene, feeding issues, childcare, returning to work, and building a post-partum support system. This offering emphasizes group discussion of participant experiences as well as educational components. There is no charge for staff or faculty to attend.

For meeting schedules and registration: Contact Jill Castro at [email protected] or (734) 936-8660.

To attend any of these presentations email [email protected] and list the session you would like to enroll in. Space is limited so early registration is encouraged. Please see Mental and Emotional Health Classes, Training, and Events for additional information and group offerings.

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