Educate Yourself on Native Americans Throughout History

Group of Native American children in traditional dress.

You’ve probably heard the names Sitting Bull, Sacajawea, and Squanto. But what about Patty Talahongva, Charlene Teters and John Harrington? All of these individuals have been instrumental in the growth of our nation.  

One way we can start recognizing the many Native American faces present throughout our history is through the celebration of Native American Heritage Month. It’s an opportunity to educate ourselves on the practices, principles, and historical sacrifices made by Native Americans.

Learn more about inspirational individuals such as Susan La Flesche Picotte, the first female Native American physician, Jim Thorpe, one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century, and Maria Tallchief, a revolutionary Native American ballerina.   

Watch Native American Heritage Month videos from Organizational Learning and explore the work of lesser known Native Americans throughout history.

About the Heritage Month Video Series 

A set of videos created by diversity trainer Dr. Steve Robbins is available for viewing. View all of the heritage month videos and sign up to receive future videos. Help create a climate that welcomes differences. 

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