This toolkit provides information and resources to help staff and supervisors with Leaves of Absence.
Unpaid Leaves of Absence are granted for the following reasons:
- Care for a newborn or newly adopted child
- Care for a seriously ill family member
- Employee's personal medical condition
- Employee's military service
- Employee's child, spouse or parent is called to active duty
- Employee's care for covered service member with serious injury or illness
- Employee's education
- Employee's government service
- Employee's personal reasons
- Employee's long-term disability
- Employees holding seasonal appointments are eligible for a Seasonal Leave of Absence
Paid leaves are available for eligible faculty and staff for recovery from childbirth and to bond with a new child following birth or placement for adoption, foster care or legal guardianship.
The toolkit provides these resources to help you with the Leave of Absence Process:
- The Leave Checklists provide step-by-step instructions for staff and supervisors to use in requesting a leave
- Forms referenced on the Leave of Absence Checklists are listed below
- A glossary of commonly used terms
- Answers to frequently asked questions about Leaves of Absence
- FMLA - Employee’s Own Serious Health Condition
- FMLA - Certification of Qualifying Exigency For Military Family Leave
- FMLA - Certification of Serious Illness or Injury of Covered Servicemember
- FMLA - Certification of Serious Illness or Injury of Veteran
- FMLA - Care of Family Member
- Faculty Leave of Absence Request Form
- Work Connections
- Maternity (Childbirth) and Parental Leave Request eForm (campus staff only)
- Maternity (Childbirth) and Parental Leave
- Benefits Coverage During a Leave
- Payroll Department
- Staff Handbook
- U.S. Department of Labor — FMLA
- SPG-Unpaid Leaves of Absence
- SPG-Paid Maternity (Childbirth) and Parental Leaves
- SPG-Employee Assistance Programs
- SPG-Reduction in Force
- Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Reduction in Force (RIF) Information
Leaves of Absence Contact Information:
Benefits Contacts
Shared Services Center, Telephone: (734) 615-2000 option 1, Email:
Central Payroll and Timekeeping Contacts
For Sick and Vacation Accrual/Balance Questions email: or call (734) 615-2000, option 2
General Questions
Faculty: contact Academic HR at (734) 763-8938 and visit the Provost website
Ann Arbor Campus Staff: contact your unit HR Representative, or Staff HR or call (734) 763-2387
Michigan Medicine Staff: contact your unit HR Representative, or Michigan Medicine HR at (734) 647-5538, press #2
Flint Campus Staff: contact your unit HR Representative at (810) 762-3150
Dearborn Campus Staff: contact your unit HR Representative at (313) 593-5484
Note to Faculty, Graduate Students and Fellows: while some of the information on this site may be applicable, your appointment with the university provides for special leave entitlements not included on this site. For assistance, contact Academic Human Resources, Phone: (734) 763-8938.