Develop others' strengths, goals, and aspirations


Volunteer to coach a colleague within the university about a skill or area of expertise that you possess.


Subscribe to Michelle Quaid's Power of Positive Psychology Podcast and listen to an episode pertaining to this topic. Share your findings with a peer.


Share with your team what you know about skills and jobs that will be valued in the future. Strategize with direct reports ways in which they can grow more adept at meeting future needs.


Reflect how everyone on your team matters and how you can support them to develop. Use their Michigan Expectations Model Self Assessment results and Individual Development Plan (IDP) as starting points.


Identify and delegate a stretch assignment to a direct report that will help them to aspire to their goals.


Barter to support a friend or family member in reaching a goal, in return for learning a new skill or area of expertise that will support your aspirations.

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