Use a Liberating Structures tool to foster innovation and intelligent risk taking within a group that you participate in.
Use a Liberating Structures tool to foster innovation and intelligent risk taking within a group that you participate in.
Reflect on why and how you made a recent big decision (e.g., vehicle purchase) and reflect on the following questions: What was the cause of the decision? How did you make your decision? What was the process?
Learn problem solving skills (e.g., ask more open ended questions, break down a problem into small components and analyze).
Identify your assumptions and biases before offering suggestions in a problem solving session.
Download the Liberating Structures app and select a problem solving or decision making tool to use with your group.
Choose and ask questions from The Book of Beautiful Questions to seek the root cause of a problem.
Accept accountability for a role you may have played in a recent conflict, try to understand the perspective of others affected, work collaboratively to resolve the situation, and support one another.