Offer to serve as a reverse mentor to teach an older leader about a new trend, social media or technology, that they need to learn about for their job.
Offer to serve as a reverse mentor to teach an older leader about a new trend, social media or technology, that they need to learn about for their job.
Join a professional organization and attend an event.
Invite discussion about a process that could use streamlining.
Identify a skill or process that you need to learn and is too challenging to master on your own. Request a peer coach to help you master that competency.
Engage someone in a conversation about their passion, hobby, or line of work.
Engage in dialog with those on a Workplace site about a new trend of innovation that they have shared.
Attend an event and invite colleagues to join you and to discuss it afterwards.
Ask your team leader or other team members to further explain a process change or project direction that you are unclear about.