Retirement Classes

The Benefits Office offers monthly Planning for Retirement sessions to help you prepare for a successful retirement. Covered topics include retirement eligibility, benefits in retirement, retiree contributions to health care, retirement income options, and additional retiree privileges.

All classes are held through Zoom, an online meeting tool. Participants will receive two confirmation emails; the second will contain the Zoom link to be used for the class. 

There is no charge, but attendance is limited. Sessions are removed from this page when the classes are full. Please note that the Benefits Office does not maintain a waiting list for cancellations. 

If You're Unable to Attend

If you're unable to attend a class, we recommend that you download and review the Planning for Retirement presentation, a guide to your retirement benefits and the U-M retiree health plan rates. You may also wish to review the retirement checklist and retirement FAQs for additional information. If you signed up for a class and need to update or cancel your registration, please contact the Benefits Office.