Sustainable Investing is a Thing – Learn How!

green background w/ a hand holding a circular green Earth in its palm

The abbreviation "ESG" may not be top of mind now, but its importance in the investment world is growing.

ESG stands for "environmental, social and governance." ESG investing means investing your money into funds that take environmental, social and governance factors into consideration. In other words, it's putting your money where your values might be.

ESG investing is also referred to as socially responsible investing and sustainable investing. 

Learn More on June 18

TIAA, one of U-M's longtime partners in administering its Retirement Savings Plans, will dig into ESG investing during a U-M-exclusive webinar, "Demonstrating the Value of Responsible Investing," from noon - 1 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18. Topics will include:

  • the history of socially responsible investing
  • how TIAA considers ESG factors into investment portfolios
  • sustainable investment options available to the U-M community 

Ann Arbor native Shirley Yang, TIAA senior investment strategist, will lead the discussion. 

The webinar is free and open to U-M faculty, staff and retirees. View TIAA's Webinar Lounge page to register and get more information. 

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