Join an Intramural Sport this Spring

arm holding up a volleyball

Intramural Sports is not just about playing to win—it’s about enjoying a fun and balanced lifestyle that embraces well-being, community and a touch of maize-and-blue spirit. 

And intramural sports are not just for students, either. 

For $20, faculty and staff can participate in one—or more!—of the following sports: 

Each week, you’ll get to play alongside other faculty and staff members at a designated time. If you prefer to play with your department, sponsor your players or team using a shortcode.

The Spring 2024 season runs from May 13 to June 24, with registration running from April 29 through May 6. A Recreational Sports membership is not required to join.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay active and build community this Spring! Register today.

For questions, contact [email protected].

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