If you could ask a retirement specialist one question, what would it be?
Start thinking, because you might have your chance during Fidelity Investment’s free “Insights Live: Ask Fidelity Anything on Retirement Income Planning” webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 2 p.m.
“Ask Fidelity Anything” is the third of a three-part series developed to inform those at all stages of retirement – planning for it, a few years from it and already retired – about important issues. View a replay of part 1, “Insights Live: Creating a Retirement Income Plan,” and register for part 2, “Insights Live: Withdrawal Strategies for Retirement,” which takes place Thursday, Nov. 14, at noon.
During “Ask Fidelity Anything,” the panel will address:
- Ideas for creating a monthly income plan for retirement
- Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) strategies, such as how to manage the impact of taxes
- Whether a Roth conversion could be beneficial
Learn by Livestream
Fidelity and TIAA offer several media streams to further your knowledge about all matters financial. This includes free webinars, podcasts, on-demand videos and more. All are free and open to the public. November programs will include:
Women Talk Money: Demystifying Medicare
Wednesday, Nov. 13 – 2 p.m.
Medicare can be a foundational piece of the puzzle for health care in retirement. Understanding Medicare options and what’s covered can help you plan ahead.
Money Unscripted: Investing for Beginners
Tuesday, Nov. 19
Watch on YouTube or listen live at 8 a.m. via the Money Unscripted podcast to learn how to take the first steps toward investing and gain knowledge as the host answers common questions.
View more webinars on Fidelity’s events page.
Investing Essentials: 5 Principles to Invest with Confidence
Tuesday, Nov. 5 – noon
This webinar will address five key principles so you can get highest returns from your investments:
- Choosing the right type of account
- Understanding the risk/return trade-off
- Having the right mix of investments
- Staying the course
- Reviewing regularly
Naming Beneficiaries: Why It Matters
Thursday, Nov. 7 – 2 p.m.
During this webinar, you’ll learn how to identify your beneficiaries, why naming them is necessary, and why regularly reviewing your designations is crucial.
For info about more events, view TIAA’s Webinar Lounge.
Check In to Check Out
Events are great ways to increase your financial knowledge, but they can't replace personal connection with your TIAA or Fidelity retirement specialist. You can meet with a strategist virtually, by phone or in person for optimal convenience. Evolving technology allows them to screen-share so you can see your account information in real-time.
To schedule your one-on-one appointment:
- Visit Fidelity's scheduling page or call (800) 642-7131, weekdays from 8 a.m. to midnight. Fidelity offers appointments exclusively for U-M employees every Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Visit tiaa.org/schedulenow or call (800) 732-8353, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Help at MHealthy
MHealthy also offers several resources to assist faculty and staff with improving their financial well-being. These include education programs and resources, coaches, and immediate assistance for those who need help now.