Employee Health and Fitness Day is May 15

silhouette of person with arm wide, standing on a rock, looking into the sunset

What better day to take time for yourself than May 15, Employee Health and Fitness Day. Nationally recognized on the third Wednesday in May, it celebrates the benefits of health and well-being in the workplace.

Here are five simple ways you can care for yourself on May 15 and beyond:

Make mental health a priority 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a good reminder to pay attention and take care of your mental and emotional needs. If you (or someone you know) could use extra support, we are here for you. Confidential online screenings, professional counseling at no charge and presentations and events are always available to you.

As summer approaches, another great way to support your mind and mood is to head outdoors. On May 29 and May 30, come to a “Breath of Fresh Air" Guided Nature Experience for a unique and energizing nature break. You’ll learn how to use the Nature Rx app to find nearby nature spots for taking breaks, restoring and focusing on your mental and physical well-being. 

Get moving

Movement is good for your body and mind. Take a walk, stretch your muscles or get moving in an in-person MHealthy physical activity class. Registration is open for the spring/summer session and classes start the week of May 13. 

Can't make an in-person class? No problem – join an MHealthy class from the comfort of your own space, at a time that works best for you! Watch recorded classes in the MHealthy Physical Activity Library on MiVideo or log into Slack to join a live-stream class or access archived classes.

Learn about your health

Understanding your well-being needs is one of the best things you can do for yourself. MHealthy Rewards is a quick and easy way to learn about their current health and create a healthy habit. Simply complete the confidential health questionnaire and set a healthy goal on the MHealthy Portal by May 31, 2024. Active, benefits-eligible faculty and staff will also earn a $75 reward!

Do a skin check

May is also Skin Cancer Awareness Month. More skin cancers are diagnosed in the U.S. each year than all other cancers combined. However, when found and treated early, skin cancer can almost always be cured. 

Check your skin, preferably at least once a month. Use these tips and resources to check and protect your skin.

Enjoy a nutritious meal

Enjoying a healthy meal doesn’t have to be boring, time-consuming or expensive. Explore MHealthy’s website to find recipes, free cooking classes, videos and more nutrition-related resources.

Michigan farmers' crops are also bountiful this time of year. Visit your local farmers market or consider signing up for a produce box subscription for a convenient way to get seasonal produce from Michigan. MHealthy has partnered with Argus Farm Stop to offer pick-up locations on or near campus. The cost is $30 per week.  

Want more ideas?

More health and well-being resources are available on the MHealthy website and the Well-being at U-M site, which includes university resources that support eight key dimensions of personal well-being. You can also visit the Well-being Collective website to learn about the collaborative effort focused on making U-M a better place to live, work and learn.

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