Discover Strategies to Prevent Workplace Issues and Retaliation

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Part of the Culture Journey effort is to reinforce the university’s commitment to preventing retaliation and protecting those who report improper behavior. The leadership training to accompany the online module, Building Cultures That Thrive: Preventing Retaliation, is now available.

Leadership and Culture: Strategies to Prevent Workplace Issues and Retaliation

This course aims to give leaders tools and strategies to create a more welcoming and respectful work environment. Interactive discussions, case studies and role-playing exercises will enhance learning. Leaders will be more prepared to:

  • Mitigate the negative impact of retaliation
  • Enhance employee engagement
  • Promote a harmonious work environment

This course is open to U-M leaders with administrative/formal supervision of at least one direct report who would like to create an environment where employees feel safe to express concerns, provide feedback and report complaints without fear of retaliation. 

Upcoming virtual sessions:

Upcoming in-person sessions:

All in-person sessions will be located in the West Ballroom of Weber’s Boutique Hotel, 3050 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, MI. 48103.

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