Caring for Kids: Raising Kids? Try a Team Approach  

Parents reading to children

Caring for Kids is a monthly article series by early childhood education experts in Child and Family Care and Children’s Centers.

In the journey of raising children, parents and other significant adult caregivers, like grandparents and teachers, play a monumental role. When you work hand-in-hand with your “parenting partners,” and take on a team approach, you create a nurturing environment that profoundly impacts your child’s growth and development. 

"How parents and caregivers work together to support the development of children matters a lot,” says Christine Snyder, Director of U-M Child and Family Care. “It allows children to observe first-hand a sense of community, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and caring for others."

The Impact of Teamwork

Imagine your child watching the interactions of the grown-ups in their life. They see teamwork in action and start learning valuable life skills simply through observing. Teamwork teaches them what it means to be part of a community, to communicate effectively, and to solve problems together. This lays the foundation for them to grow into empathetic, capable adults.

Embracing Challenges and Offering Grace

However, teamwork can have challenges. Parenting and caregiving are deeply personal and can sometimes lead to disagreements or misunderstandings. It's important to remember that everyone involved is trying their best, and perfection is not the goal. 

"While parenting and team caregiving work best when everyone has the same values and goals, it is also necessary to make space for missteps,” adds Christine. “Caring for kids is complex and requires a lot of energy; even on our best days, we may stray from a value or goal. Giving yourself and each other grace can make the caregiving team even stronger."

Tips for Successful Teamwork

To help you navigate this journey, here are some practical tips for fostering effective teamwork among parents and caregivers:

  • Communicate Regularly: Keep the lines of communication open. Regular check-ins can ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • Set Shared Goals: Agree on common values and objectives for raising your child. This creates a solid foundation for decision-making.

  • Respect Each Other's Strengths: Recognize and appreciate the unique strengths each person brings to the team.

  • Be Flexible: Understand that plans and routines may need to change. Flexibility can help manage the complexities of caregiving.

  • Offer Grace: Accept that mistakes will happen. Offering forgiveness and understanding can strengthen your team.

The journey of caring for children is demanding, but by working together, you can create a supportive, loving environment. Share the load, celebrate small victories, and extend grace when things don’t go perfectly. Working together, you can create a world where children thrive—supported by a strong, loving community.

Additional Resources

For more information and tips on a team-based parenting style, check out these resources:

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