201.88 Notice of Non-Reappointment

Applies to: Instructional faculty with the exception of those covered by a collective bargaining agreement

Issued by (dept.): The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and University Human Resources

SPG number: 201.88

Dean, Department Chair or Academic Program Director:

Periodically review the appointment status of all instructional faculty holding term appointments in accordance with any internal reappointment procedures established by the school or college.

If the school, college, department, or program plans not to reappoint a non-tenured regular instructional faculty member whose term appointments with the University aggregate less than eight consecutive years as a full-time Instructor or higher, prepare and submit a letter of non-reappointment within the appropriate time limits (see Section II of SPG 201.88).

If the school, college, department, or program plans not to reappoint a Lecturer consistent with the provisions of SPG 201.88, prepare and submit a letter of non-reappointment within the appropriate time limits (see Section II of SPG 201.88).

The letter should not be conditional nor state reasons for the non-reappointment. (See Example A below.)

NOTE: The dean, department chair, or academic program director must contact the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs before taking any action if the school, college, department, or program has decided (1) not to reappoint a tenure track faculty member or a clinical instructional faculty member whose term appointments with the University aggregate eight years or more at the rank of Instructor, Clinical Instructor, or higher, or (2) to terminate a tenure track faculty member or clinical instructional faculty member during his or her appointment period.

Distribute appropriate notices to the faculty member and to the school, college, department, or academic program.

Thirty (30) days before the date on which the University will terminate the faculty member, submit a Layoff and Termination Request (Form 36605) and a copy of the non-reappointment letter to HRRIS, indicating "appointment not renewed" as reason for termination.

Human Resources Records and Information Services (HRRIS):

Terminate the appointment.

Example A:

Subject: Notice of Non-reappointment

Dear [Name]:
This is to notify you that your appointment as [Title] in [Department/Unit] will not be renewed upon completion of your appointment, which will end on [Date].
If you desire, I would be most willing to further discuss your non-reappointment at your convenience.

Very truly yours,


Department of [Dept Name]